There's a perfect place for you at Averitt.

No matter what type of driving you prefer, Averitt has an opportunity for you.
Averitt Team Driving

Prefer a career off the road?

Non-driving careers to support our driving force

Benefits that go on for miles

Averitt is a premier carrier with top-notch perks

Top Pay

If you're looking for top pay packages, Averitt has what you're looking for, and then some.

Pay Packages

Top Benefits

We think we have the best team in the world, and we set up our benefits to show it.

Top Benefits

Top Equipment

Professional equipment with state-of-the-art safety tech for our driving force.

See the Fleet

Top Facilities

100+ safe, secure facilities in 21 states. Your home away from home.

Facility Network

Training for your Career

Need some guidance to step up to your future goals? We can help.
Ready to get started but don't fully meet the requirements? We have training programs for you!
Training Programs
Start on the dock and our experienced trainers will help you earn your CDL-A.
Averitt's current leaders started right where you are now. Get started today!
Promote From Within
What to expect when getting started with Averitt's orientation and onboarding.
Orientation Overview

Who is Averitt?

A 50+year company of professional, caring associates

Our Story

A career opportunity over 50 years in the making. Through it all, Averitt has been growing and thriving.

Our 50+ Year Story


Our culture of professionalism and giving is part of who we are on a deep level.

Our Culture

Over 20 Team

Nearly 17% of our teammates have found a home at Averitt for 20 years or longer. 

Over 20 Team

Averitt Giving

We believe in generously giving back to the communities we serve.

Averitt Giving


Setting the professional standard in the transportation industry. Red looks good on us!

Averitt Uniforms


Come learn some of the ways Averitt is making a difference in our communities and for our planet.

Social Responsibility

Career Resources

Watch, read and learn about life at Averitt and on the road.

Life on the Road (BLOG)

Averitt's blog about Life on the Road, with tips and experiences from real team members.
Life on the Road


Check out our video library to hear from actual associates and drivers about their experiences at Averitt.
Video Library

Averitt News

News about new developments at Averitt, including services, facilities, policies and personnel.
Averitt News


A library of documents and downloads that can help you as you research your future career.
View the Library

Online reviews: Click below to read real reviews from Averitt drivers and associates.

Averitt reviews on Google

Ready to get started?

We are! Let's get connected!

Call Us Now

Our staff of recruiters is available to call Monday-Friday. Give us a call now!
Call 1-888-AVERITT

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Chat now with our recruiter team to get the answers to your questions.
Live Chat Now

Get Pre-Qualified

Answer a few quick questions to determine where you best fit at Averitt.
Get Pre-Qualified

Frequent Questions

Get the answers to our most frequent questions - or ask your own!
See the FAQ

Averitt Salutes You

Whether your last day serving was yesterday or a decade ago, you've earned the right to be at ease.

Averitt Salutes You

Whether you’re current or former military, there’s a place for you on the Averitt team.
Be At Ease

Military Friendly

Averitt has been named as a Military Friendly Employer in an independent survey.
Learn more

Terms of Website Use


Terms of Use

The materials, all applications, software and service (“Materials”) contained in Averitt Express, Inc’s (“Averitt”) website (“Website”) are provided by Averitt and may be used for informational purposes only. By downloading any of the Materials contained on Averitt’s Website, you and the entity you represent agree to the terms and provisions as outlined in this legal notice. Additional terms, restrictions, or agreements may apply to the use of various services and other items provided to you through the Website.


Averitt has the right to update these Terms of Use at any time. Your use of the Averitt Website after any updates to these Terms of Use will constitute acceptance of these changes. Any area of the Website may be changed or updated without notice.

Restrictions on Use

In order to utilize the Website, you must agree that:

  • You will not enter incorrect or misleading information on the Website.
  • You will not disguise the source of information that is submitted via the Website.
  • You will not utilize any service, information, application or software available via the Website in a manner that is not expressly permitted by Averitt.
  • You may not access the Website in any way that, in the sole judgment of Averitt, adversely affects the performance of the Website or interferes with the ability of authorized parties to access the Website.
  • The information provided is the private property of Averitt. You are not authorized to make any information provided on the Website, with exception to direct tracing information, available on any other website or otherwise reproduce, distribute, copy, store, use or sell for commercial gain without the express written consent of Averitt.
  • Any access or use that is inconsistent with these terms is unauthorized and strictly prohibited and can lead to the revocation of all of your user rights, including, but not limited to, the revocation of your access to the Website.

Trademark Information

Averitt and the Averitt logo are trademarks of Averitt. Other Averitt product or service names or logos referenced in the Website are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Averitt. The absence of a product or service name or logo from this list does not constitute a waiver of Averitt’s trademark or other intellectual property rights concerning that name or logo. All other products and company names mentioned in the Website may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Requirements for Linking

You may use the Averitt logo and reference the Website pages from your site by following the below guidelines. However, permission may be revoked if, in the sole opinion of Averitt, your website does not provide a positive business service or otherwise does not reflect well on our image. An Averitt link must appear as plain text or with the use of Averitt’s copyrighted logo and can not appear connected to any other logos and graphics. The image can be obtained here.

  • You may change the filename.
  • You may reduce the logo size on your web page by up to 50 percent of your company logo size, but you must maintain the original aspect ratio.
  • If you show other corporate logos, we request that all images be equal in display size.
  • When you have added our logo and/or links to your pages, please send an email to us, including:
    • Your company name
    • Your e-mail contact
    • Your phone number
    • All URLs of pages that contain our logo and/or link to our Website

Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights and Ownership of Materials

Averitt actively and aggressively enforces its intellectual property rights to the fullest extent of the law. The information contained in the Website is copyrighted and may not be distributed, modified or reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of Averitt. The images, with exception to the logo as described above in Requirements for Linking, from this Website may not be reproduced in any form without the prior written consent of Averitt.

Privacy Policy

Information Collection and Use

You may browse the Website anonymously. Averitt may use cookies and/or your IP address as defined below for tracking and usability purposes. Averitt will not link your IP address to anything personally identifiable.

Averitt may request that you voluntarily supply personal information, such as your email address, for purposes such as correspondence or employment applications. Averitt may also use said information to:

  • Develop better products and services
  • Communicate with you about other Averitt capabilities and services, via e-mail, postal mail or personal visit by a transportation specialist
  • Perform trend analysis on the Website usage

IP Addresses

An IP address is a number that is assigned to a computer whenever it is connected to the Internet.


Cookies are small text files that websites can send to your browser for storage on your computer. Cookies make your Internet use easier by saving your status and preferences about a website. Cookie acceptance does not interfere with your ability to interact with most of our Website, although allowing cookies does help streamline many of the interactive functions you perform on the site.

Disclaimer of Warranties

Averitt makes no expressed representations regarding the results provided through the Website or other services, including information and content on the Website.

The Averitt Website and its content are provided on an “as is” basis. Averitt and its suppliers and licensors, to the fullest extent allowed by law, disclaim all warranties, either express or implied, statutory or otherwise, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, non-infringement of third parties’ rights and fitness for a particular purpose.

Averitt and its affiliates, licensors and suppliers make no representations or warranties about the accuracy, completeness or security of the information provided by use of the Website. No information on the Website shall create any agreement not stated by Averitt in these terms of use.

Since some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on implied warranty, therefore, the limitations described herein may not apply to you. If you are a customer of Averitt, your statutory rights that cannot be waived (if any) are not affected by these provisions. You agree and acknowledge that the limitations of liability and warranty provided in these terms of use are fair and reasonable.

Limitation of Liability

Usage of the Averitt Website is at your sole risk. Averitt shall be in no way liable to you or any related party claiming any damages, direct or indirect, for any errors found on the Website or for the use of or inability to access the Website or its content, including damages relating to lost profits, business or data, or damage to any computer or computer system.

Disclaimer of Endorsement

Any reference within the Website to any products, services, processes, hypertext links to third parties or other information by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, supplier or otherwise does not constitute or imply its endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation by Averitt. Product and service information is the sole responsibility of each individual vendor.

Compliance With Law

You agree to use the Website in a manner abiding by all applicable laws, rulings and regulations and in such a fashion that does not, in the sole judgment of Averitt, reflect negatively on the goodwill or reputation of Averitt and shall take no actions that would cause Averitt to be in violation of any laws, rulings or regulations applicable to Averitt.

Submission of Ideas

Averitt welcomes your comments about the Website (“Comments”). The Comments and Ideas you may submit shall in no way prevent the purchase, manufacture or use of similar products, services, plans and ideas by Averitt for any purpose. Averitt makes no assurances that your Comments and Ideas will be treated as confidential or proprietary. Averitt shall be free to copy, use, modify, disclose and distribute your Comments and Ideas without restriction for any purposes, commercial or otherwise, without compensation to you.

Written Document

You may print and file a copy of these Terms of Use for your records and you waive all requirements that these Terms of Use be evidenced by a written document.

Customer Service

If you have any questions or comments regarding the Website or licensing of Averitt copyrighted materials, contact us at customerservice@averittexpress or by phone at 1-800-AVERITT.