There's a perfect place for you at Averitt.

No matter what type of driving you prefer, Averitt has an opportunity for you.
Averitt Team Driving

Prefer a career off the road?

Non-driving careers to support our driving force

Benefits that go on for miles

Averitt is a premier carrier with top-notch perks

Top Pay

If you're looking for top pay packages, Averitt has what you're looking for, and then some.

Pay Packages

Top Benefits

We think we have the best team in the world, and we set up our benefits to show it.

Top Benefits

Top Equipment

Professional equipment with state-of-the-art safety tech for our driving force.

See the Fleet

Top Facilities

100+ safe, secure facilities in 21 states. Your home away from home.

Facility Network

Training for your Career

Need some guidance to step up to your future goals? We can help.
Ready to get started but don't fully meet the requirements? We have training programs for you!
Training Programs
Start on the dock and our experienced trainers will help you earn your CDL-A.
Averitt's current leaders started right where you are now. Get started today!
Promote From Within
What to expect when getting started with Averitt's orientation and onboarding.
Orientation Overview

Who is Averitt?

A 50+year company of professional, caring associates

Our Story

A career opportunity over 50 years in the making. Through it all, Averitt has been growing and thriving.

Our 50+ Year Story


Our culture of professionalism and giving is part of who we are on a deep level.

Our Culture

Over 20 Team

Nearly 17% of our teammates have found a home at Averitt for 20 years or longer. 

Over 20 Team

Averitt Giving

We believe in generously giving back to the communities we serve.

Averitt Giving


Setting the professional standard in the transportation industry. Red looks good on us!

Averitt Uniforms


Come learn some of the ways Averitt is making a difference in our communities and for our planet.

Social Responsibility

Career Resources

Watch, read and learn about life at Averitt and on the road.

Life on the Road (BLOG)

Averitt's blog about Life on the Road, with tips and experiences from real team members.
Life on the Road


Check out our video library to hear from actual associates and drivers about their experiences at Averitt.
Video Library

Averitt News

News about new developments at Averitt, including services, facilities, policies and personnel.
Averitt News


A library of documents and downloads that can help you as you research your future career.
View the Library

Online reviews: Click below to read real reviews from Averitt drivers and associates.

Averitt reviews on Google

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Our staff of recruiters is available to call Monday-Friday. Give us a call now!
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See the FAQ

Averitt Salutes You

Whether your last day serving was yesterday or a decade ago, you've earned the right to be at ease.

Averitt Salutes You

Whether you’re current or former military, there’s a place for you on the Averitt team.
Be At Ease

Military Friendly

Averitt has been named as a Military Friendly Employer in an independent survey.
Learn more

Averitt Culture

The key pillars of our foundation


A Philosophy of Improvement

Averitt has grown – and continues to grow – because of our commitment to three things: our customers, our associates and our future. And every time we grow in one area, the other two naturally get better, too. It's an ever-improving upward spiral that we like to call The Winner's Circle.

But how does it work? First, we maintain a strong focus on people. Simply put, we're committed to providing the best service to our customers and developing the full potential of our associates. Second, we believe in continuous improvement. By learning from yesterday's successes and sharing each lesson, we can get smarter and stronger so we have an even brighter tomorrow.


Be a part of Averitt's future

We are just getting started. With professionals like you, we will continue to raise the bar for the transportation industry.

See All Open Positions and Apply




How do we invest in our people?

  • Paid time off: For time away to rest and reset; number of weeks grows with tenure.
  • Training and Development: We invest in ongoing development including safety training, driver skills development training, and leadership development.
  • Service Awards: Associates are recognized and celebrated for length of service, including special recognition on uniform shirts.
  • Scholarship program: Available to associates and dependents for college expenses.
  • Referral rewards: $1,000 cash payout for referring friends and family that are hired.






Our Driving Force is People

We are what we believe

Whether we realize it or not, our beliefs drive everything we do. Our decisions. Our priorities. Our very purpose. This is true for both individuals and teams.

Our team’s culture and identity are connected to the principles we believe. Perhaps the most important of these is our simple, enduring philosophy, “Our Driving Force is People.” This statement serves as the foundation for everything we believe. And as a result, it guides our decisions.

It determines what we prioritize. And it points us toward our purpose.

The phrase “Our Driving Force is People” has always meant our success is determined by our collective effort and ideas. As associates, each of us has ownership of and impact on the performance of our team.

But “Our Driving Force is People” not only means our team is driven by people. Averitt is also driven for people. The slogan reveals our deeper purpose, why we exist: to work together to help people succeed.

Driven on purpose

We are driven for people in a variety of ways. The development of our fellow teammates. The well-being of our associates’ family members. The men and women we serve as our customers who have their own personal goals. Prospective associates who are looking for a meaningful, long-term career.

And in a larger sense, we are driven to reach beyond ourselves to help others. This includes serving our local communities, bringing healing to children with life-threatening diseases and impacting people around the world who rely on transportation for their very existence.

Looking to the future

For nearly 50 years now, we have built our team on a solid foundation of helping people succeed. We are proud of that past. And as we reflect on what we believe, we are even more excited about our future.

We believe companies built around meaningful purpose are set for long-standing success. Now more than ever, people are looking for a positive work environment and a sense of personal achievement. High-caliber people, especially those from the generation entering the workforce, are drawn to purpose-driven organizations.

Purpose also plays a critical role in team-building, individual commitment and authenticity. When beliefs are clearly communicated and deeply embraced, teams naturally align around shared values. People are inspired to take greater ownership. And when we integrate purpose into everything we do, our brand is more authentic and valuable to our customers and the community.


The intangibles behind the Averitt Beliefs

When you consider the four Averitt Beliefs, each one represents an intangible promise. Each one connects to deep-rooted emotional needs that every human being feels, whether they even realize it or not.

  • Always Averitt –
    All people crave stability and consistency. This statement speaks to those intangibles. We have a plan to ensure Averitt is going to be stable and independent for generations to come.

  • Associate Sharing –
    Everyone wants their life to have purpose and meaning. We promise to provide people with opportunities to serve and give alongside their teammates to impact the lives of others.

  • Profit Sharing –
    Trust is built on feelings of fairness and security. This statement underscores our commitment to share financial rewards with our associates, enabling them to enjoy greater financial security for themselves and their families.

  • Averitt Way –
    Social scientists agree a human being’s deepest need is self-actualization or the idea of achieving one’s full potential. We are so proud of and energized by our team’s track record with this intangible. This is evidenced by the more than 1,350 members of our Over 20 Team. And it is represented through our unique commitment to training, communication, promoting from within and investing in the personal development of each individual.

When we understand and embrace these four Averitt Beliefs – and the intangibles they represent – we should have no challenges recruiting and retaining the best and brightest people. After all, we believe no other company can offer the opportunities our team can.


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